hi there !
i just wanna share :)
here we go, i just came back from malang city (it's few weeks ago, but i post it late :p)
i'm stay at Hotel Armi Malang, this place quite clean, cheap, and not so far away from center town :D
here we go for the pics :)
Front of Hotel Armi
Front of the hotel
here's the room,i choose standart room for 190.000 IDR, not to big, but have a large size of bed, it make the room looks so narrow LoL, this room is included TV, AC, and hot and cold water for bath. :)
and the important thing for a hotel room, the bathroom :D
pretty clean, doesn't have a bathub, just only shower with hot water :)
the TV's :D
okay, that's all of the pics, :D still another some, but because of the terrible connection, i just uploaded some, :p
Hotel Armi is located at Jl. Kaliurang Malang, this place is don't have billboard, so you may need to slow after you reached Jl. Kaliurang.
Thanks for reading :)
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Recently Eated Food : Bakso Bakar Pahlawan Malang
hallo lagi dan lagi,
kali ini posting yang bakso bakarnya yah..
lgsg aja deh. buat rasa sih lumayan enak, tapi menurut pacar saya masih lebih enak Bakso Bakar ABM. begitu juga menurut saya, hehe..
porsinya cuman dapet 5 bakso bakar, dengan tingkat kepedasan yang bisa diminta :D
oke juga, :)
bagaimana menurut anda sekalian? :D
Recently Eated Food : Pangsit Mie Pahlawan Malang
hallo lagi, :p
masih banyak post yang harus di posting, hehe.. banyak makanan yang kemaren saya makan di kota Malang sewaktu liburan kemaren..
kali ini nyobain Pangsit Mie di Bakso Bakar Pahlawan Trip Malang, untuk bakso bakarnya saya uda coba 2 x, untuk pangsitnya ini baru pertama..
rasa nya sih lumayan enak, hehe.. terjangkau juga harganya, porsi juga lumayan banyak,
oke deh menurut saya, ga tau lagi klo menurut anda.. :)
Recently Eated Food : Iga Penyet Olego
hmm.. baru aja nyobain iga penyet di Olego, di Jl. indragiri Surabaya..
mumpung ada diskon buat iga penyetnya, lumayan :p
untuk rasa, mm.. sambelnya aku rasa si lebi oke daripada Lekko, dagingnya juga lebih gurih, bawang gorengnya pun lebi banyak,cmn buat yang suka makan dengan porsi banyak, lekko mungkin masih jadi juara, disini porsinya cukup kecil, nasinya kecil, >,<
untuk dagingnya si lumayan banyak.. tapi ya kurang banyak hehehe.. (maklum big portition eater LoL. yang jelas untuk rasa sih saya merasa iga penyet di Olego ini lebih syip, gurih, sambel lebih oke..
ga tau lagi menurut kalian :p
cobain aja deh buat pastinya :)
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Share : Fixing my iPod Shuffle first generation
kali ini saya mo sharing tips benerin iPod Shuffle yang mati suri, alias ga jalan, biasanya masalah ini disebut juga dengan "Green Amber light of death" yaitu kondisi dimana iPod kalau dinyalakan akan berkedip2 lampu hijau dan orange, biasanya sih terjadi kalo ipod tersebut dicabut pas lagi sync, ato mungkin mati lampu waktu sync, dll. kasus saya dulu adalah, usb komputer saya sempet bermasalah, jadi dia, cabut pasang cabut pasang sendiri, padahal kondisi iPod sudah nancep di USB, alhasil iPod saya pun tidak bisa digunakan.
pada saat itu saya memang buta iPod karena ini iPod pertama, hehe.. jadi saya cuma mencoba untuk merestore via iTunes, hasil nya , iPod ga bisa di restore karena I/O Device error, wah panik dong saya, lalu saya bawa aja ke salah satu Apple service di Mall elektronik di Bandung, sang service man nya mencoba untuk merestore lagi iPod saya, (padahal uda saya coba dan gagal), alhasil gagal, berulang kali dia merestore iPod saya -_-, akhir kata, sang serviceman berkata, iPod saya harus ditinggal, untuk nanti dibawa ke pusat servicenya di Jakarta, ya saya sanggupi saja, gimana lagi, daripada ga bisa jalan :D.
setelah sekian lama, hampir 2 bulan, iPod saya tidak kunjung bener, bahkan belom dikirim sama yang di Bandung -_- dengan alasan, masih harus menunggu konfirmasi dari pihak Jakarta, wah kesel dong saya, langsung saja saya bawa pulang lagi iPod saya.
lalu sembari menatap iPod saya dengan rasa iba, saya pun berinisiatif mencari di google, saya input aja keyword "iPod shuffle I/O Device Error" dan munculah istilah Green Amber of Death terus saya mencari cara troublehootingnya, ternyata dari pihak apple sendiri sudah menyediakan program untuk fixnya,
nama softwarenya "iPod Reset utility" bisa di dapet dari sini
cara pake nya juga gampang, tinggal colokin iPod yg mati, terus jalanin softwarenya, trus tinggal klik reset ajah, dan insya Allah iPod anda kembali ke detect lagi di iTunes dan bisa di isi lagu :D, semoga bermanfaat
Thanks :D
kali ini saya mo sharing tips benerin iPod Shuffle yang mati suri, alias ga jalan, biasanya masalah ini disebut juga dengan "Green Amber light of death" yaitu kondisi dimana iPod kalau dinyalakan akan berkedip2 lampu hijau dan orange, biasanya sih terjadi kalo ipod tersebut dicabut pas lagi sync, ato mungkin mati lampu waktu sync, dll. kasus saya dulu adalah, usb komputer saya sempet bermasalah, jadi dia, cabut pasang cabut pasang sendiri, padahal kondisi iPod sudah nancep di USB, alhasil iPod saya pun tidak bisa digunakan.
pada saat itu saya memang buta iPod karena ini iPod pertama, hehe.. jadi saya cuma mencoba untuk merestore via iTunes, hasil nya , iPod ga bisa di restore karena I/O Device error, wah panik dong saya, lalu saya bawa aja ke salah satu Apple service di Mall elektronik di Bandung, sang service man nya mencoba untuk merestore lagi iPod saya, (padahal uda saya coba dan gagal), alhasil gagal, berulang kali dia merestore iPod saya -_-, akhir kata, sang serviceman berkata, iPod saya harus ditinggal, untuk nanti dibawa ke pusat servicenya di Jakarta, ya saya sanggupi saja, gimana lagi, daripada ga bisa jalan :D.
setelah sekian lama, hampir 2 bulan, iPod saya tidak kunjung bener, bahkan belom dikirim sama yang di Bandung -_- dengan alasan, masih harus menunggu konfirmasi dari pihak Jakarta, wah kesel dong saya, langsung saja saya bawa pulang lagi iPod saya.
lalu sembari menatap iPod saya dengan rasa iba, saya pun berinisiatif mencari di google, saya input aja keyword "iPod shuffle I/O Device Error" dan munculah istilah Green Amber of Death terus saya mencari cara troublehootingnya, ternyata dari pihak apple sendiri sudah menyediakan program untuk fixnya,
nama softwarenya "iPod Reset utility" bisa di dapet dari sini
cara pake nya juga gampang, tinggal colokin iPod yg mati, terus jalanin softwarenya, trus tinggal klik reset ajah, dan insya Allah iPod anda kembali ke detect lagi di iTunes dan bisa di isi lagu :D, semoga bermanfaat
Thanks :D
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Recently Watched Movie : Love Actually
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Share bayar pajak sepeda motor :D
Akhirnya saya coba bayar pajak stnk motor saya sendirii..
Pertama2 yang harus disiapkan adalah :
1. KTP sayasaya,
3. Berhubung motor saya pake atas nama ibu saya, jadi saya ga lupa bawa KTP ibu saya.. Hehehe
First step :
1. Daftar dulu diloket depan, ntr tunjukin KTP saya dan KTP ibu saya and STNK aslinya,
2. Jangan lupa beli map khususnya, harganya Rp. 2000 -_-
3. Trus daftar ke mbak2nya di depan.
4. Trus ke mas2 di depan buat ngambil nomor antrian,
5. Trus antri deh,
6. Trus kalo ud dipanggil, ntr dipanggil, trus serahin map yg beli tadi, trus disuruh antri lagi -_-'
7. Nah klo uda dipanggil, you're step closer to finish, hehe.. Di loket ini, kita bayar pajak kita bro, setelah bayarnya kelar, uda deh, ntr dapet kertas pajak yang pasangannya STNK itu,
8. Trus jangan lupa ambil STNK asli kita di loket pengambilan, deket dari loket bayar2 n pintu masuk.
9. Done! Anda2 sekalian sudah membayar pajak dengan tepat waktu :)
Total biaya buat bayar pajak ini
- Beli Map di depan Rp. 2000
- Bayar pajak motor saya Rp. 245.000
Murah dan cepat kan :D
Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
Akhirnya saya coba bayar pajak stnk motor saya sendirii..
Pertama2 yang harus disiapkan adalah :
1. KTP sayasaya,
3. Berhubung motor saya pake atas nama ibu saya, jadi saya ga lupa bawa KTP ibu saya.. Hehehe
First step :
1. Daftar dulu diloket depan, ntr tunjukin KTP saya dan KTP ibu saya and STNK aslinya,
2. Jangan lupa beli map khususnya, harganya Rp. 2000 -_-
3. Trus daftar ke mbak2nya di depan.
4. Trus ke mas2 di depan buat ngambil nomor antrian,
5. Trus antri deh,
6. Trus kalo ud dipanggil, ntr dipanggil, trus serahin map yg beli tadi, trus disuruh antri lagi -_-'
7. Nah klo uda dipanggil, you're step closer to finish, hehe.. Di loket ini, kita bayar pajak kita bro, setelah bayarnya kelar, uda deh, ntr dapet kertas pajak yang pasangannya STNK itu,
8. Trus jangan lupa ambil STNK asli kita di loket pengambilan, deket dari loket bayar2 n pintu masuk.
9. Done! Anda2 sekalian sudah membayar pajak dengan tepat waktu :)
Total biaya buat bayar pajak ini
- Beli Map di depan Rp. 2000
- Bayar pajak motor saya Rp. 245.000
Murah dan cepat kan :D
Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Recently Watched Movie : Letters To Juliet
Saturday, 14 August 2010
Recently Watched Movie : Blind Side
Friday, 6 August 2010
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Monday, 26 July 2010
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Recently Eated Food : Pecel Kawi
Recently Place : Helios Hotel Malang
hi there, jz want to share again, :)
just came back from malang city, i've been there for a 2 days and 3 nights,
i'm stayed at Helios Hotel Malang, placed at Jl. Patimura, nearby Tugu Malang, not really hard to find hehe..
here's the picts, sorry if not to good pict, i take it by phone :))
Helios Front Logo
The Rooms
the room is pretty clean, good :)
clean, with hot and cold water shower :D
there's many picts more, but i got small bandwith to up more pics, so i postponed it for later :)
Room Rates is about 175.000 idr for Standart AC, there is many more room types, start from Economy, Standart FAN, Standart AC, and others i cant remember :D
facilities is about Breakfast, and very2 highspeed WiFi :))
so if you want to stay in Malang, this place is recommended for you to stay :D
Thanks :)
just came back from malang city, i've been there for a 2 days and 3 nights,
i'm stayed at Helios Hotel Malang, placed at Jl. Patimura, nearby Tugu Malang, not really hard to find hehe..
here's the picts, sorry if not to good pict, i take it by phone :))
Helios Front Logo
The Rooms
the room is pretty clean, good :)
clean, with hot and cold water shower :D
there's many picts more, but i got small bandwith to up more pics, so i postponed it for later :)
Room Rates is about 175.000 idr for Standart AC, there is many more room types, start from Economy, Standart FAN, Standart AC, and others i cant remember :D
facilities is about Breakfast, and very2 highspeed WiFi :))
so if you want to stay in Malang, this place is recommended for you to stay :D
Thanks :)
Friday, 23 July 2010
Recently Eated Food : Sate Jaran (Horse Satay) Malang
hi there,
just want to share with you :D
sorry if i only just put banner pict. because i'm forgot to take the food pict LOL
not bad, sweet and little bit chewy meat hehe..
price 17.000 =1 Portion of Horse Satay + Rice,
location is in Terusan Borobudur St. Malang, front of Wapo, Baso Seafood and Cak Pi'i.
Thanks :)
just want to share with you :D
sorry if i only just put banner pict. because i'm forgot to take the food pict LOL
not bad, sweet and little bit chewy meat hehe..
price 17.000 =1 Portion of Horse Satay + Rice,
location is in Terusan Borobudur St. Malang, front of Wapo, Baso Seafood and Cak Pi'i.
Thanks :)
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Monday, 19 July 2010
Recently Watched Movie : Inception
Friday, 16 July 2010
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Sunday, 4 July 2010
Recently Tested Modem : AHA EVDO From Bakrie Connect
Thursday, 1 July 2010
Monday, 21 June 2010
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Our Internet Connection Speed
hey there, jz want to share :)
i was check my internet connection provided by Telkom Speedy
here we go :)
test with Speedtest.net
and test with Pingtest.net
not too bad for Indonesian Connection, i know there is many better ISP outside there, :p
but, i think now this connection is good enough :D
one wise word, i bet you'll know this :
"Price never Lie!"
i was check my internet connection provided by Telkom Speedy
here we go :)
test with Speedtest.net
and test with Pingtest.net
not too bad for Indonesian Connection, i know there is many better ISP outside there, :p
but, i think now this connection is good enough :D
one wise word, i bet you'll know this :
"Price never Lie!"
Friday, 18 June 2010
recently listened albums : She And Him Vol 1 & 2
Recently watched movie : When in Rome
Monday, 7 June 2010
my fave game recently :D
Monday, 5 April 2010
Long time no post :)
hey there!
long time no post in here :p
please check my tumblr blog, i have added new posts recently.
thanks :)
long time no post in here :p
please check my tumblr blog, i have added new posts recently.
thanks :)
Friday, 29 January 2010
Boys Like Girls live concert @ Jakarta
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